În urma schimbării sistemului de numerotare a Revistei domnului profesor Hans Kernes, Societatea Română de Criminologie și Criminalistică are plăcerea de a vă oferi numărul 325 din Martie 2024 al revistei „Criminologie și justiție penală” care include:
- 3 dintre colecțiile Kerner-Collections pe teme legate de ÎCCJ.
- 5 apeluri de participare la manifestări științifice (de exemplu, conferințe), respectiv de furnizare a rezumatelor lucrărilor planificate.
- 6 Documente (articole, rapoarte etc.) pe diverse teme
Mesajul domnului profesor:
” Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues,
*1-Over the past year, I have received several comments and questions regarding the distinction between “Regular Issues” and “Special Issues” of my Criminology and Criminal Justice News Information Service.
*2- I began thinking anew about this matter on New Years Eve. I have now decided to change the system, whereby I will use consecutive numbers for every newsletter, and – if necessary – adding some explanations or comments on the specific contents.
*3- Since June 2006 until 26 February of this year, I have produced and distributed 324 Issues. Therefore, the series will continue now with Number 325. In this number, I am providing you with:
- 3 of my Kerner-Collections on CCJ-related Topics.
- 5 Calls for participation in scholarly events (e.g. conferences) resp. for providing abstracts of planned papers.
- 6 Documents (articles, reports etc.) on diverse themes
With best regards,
HJ Kerner ”
_1 CCJ-related Topics_Kerner-Collection 1-2024
_2 CCJ-related Topics_R+Doc- Centre NL- Collection_02-2024
_3 CCJ-related Topics_AU + Gov. UK + US Att Pubs_Kerner-Collection 2024
CfP-1a_European Summer School on Criminology_19-23 August-2024 Lausanne
CfP-1b_European Summer School on Criminology-Lausanne_Schedule_CfP
CfP-2_Plural Policing in Cyberspace -Entering the Grey Zone
CfP-3_ESC 24_Transitional Justice, State Crime and Qualitative Methods PANEL
CfP-4_ESC 24_Southern Criminology and Crimes of the Powerful
CfP-5_ESC 24_CfP Criminalisation of Activism
Doc-1_Robinson et al_Firearms sold in California 1996-2021_2024
Doc-2a_Blakeney_Counterfeit goods and organised crime_Contents-2024
Doc-2b_Blakeney_Counterfeit goods and organised crime_Definitions-2024
Doc-3_Durana et al_Strategies Following the Repeal of Roe vs. Wade_USA-2024
Doc-4_Baiden-et-al_Exposure to neighborhood violence + gun-carrying_Adolescents USA_2024
Doc-5_European Law- Prevention, Investigation, Eucrim 2-2023