Crime & Crime policy
Crime & Crime policy Brockmeyer University Press Im Haarmannsbusch 112, D 44797 Bochum Tel. +49/234/9791600, Fax +49/234/9791601 info@brockmeyer-verlag.deOnlineshop Homepage Ladies and...
View ArticleCOMUNICAT – Al 15-lea Colocviu al Asociației Internaționale a Criminologilor...
În perioada 22-24 mai 2016 s-au desfășurat lucrările celui de-al 15-lea Colocviu al Asociației Internaționale a Criminologilor de Limbă Franceză(AICLF), manifestări organizate la sediul...
View ArticleCriminology and Criminal Justice News
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues, this is to provide you with most recent policy and research News from * England and Wales (UK) * Europe (COE) * Australia (NSW) and with most recent hyperlinks to...
View ArticleCriminology and Criminalt Justice News
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues! This is, specially searched and prepared for you, a collection of freely accessible electronic publications, selected from a broad range of offerings by...
View ArticleOpen Positions: England
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues: unfortunately for some of you as advertisers, and for possible candidates, the deadlines related to a couple of positions in different countries have been run out...
View ArticleStockholm Criminology Prize
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues. Please find below, after my signature, my most recent selection of News I consider worthwhile to get widely distributed. With best greetings to all Addressees H.-...
View ArticleAssessing The Risk Of Money Laundering In Europe: Research And Practical...
As announced in a previous email, we want to remind you that the conference Assessing The Risk Of Money Laundering In Europe: Research And Practical Implications will take place on the 15th December...
View ArticleArticle 1
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues. Please find below, after my signature, my most recent selection of News I consider worthwhile to get widely distributed. With best greetings to all Addressees H.-...
View ArticleAssessing The Risk Of Money Laundering In Europe: Research And Practical...
We want to remind you that the conference Assessing The Risk Of Money Laundering In Europe: Research And Practical Implications will take place on the 15th December 2016 at the Università Cattolica del...
View ArticleSummer school on cybercrime
I am contacting you as organizer of the 2017 Summer school on cybercrime to be held in Milan on 3-6 July. It is organised in collaboration with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano,...
The Romanian Society of Criminology and Criminalistics and the Institute of Legal Research “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu ” within the Romanian Academy invites you to participate in the National Conference...
View ArticleCCJ-News – 3rd November Special 2022
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues! A) I have very recently received calls to join 2 near events, the first on December 2, and the second on December 15. Since the topics look interesting from...
View ArticleUn eveniment criminologic la Bucuresti
Un eveniment criminologic la Bucuresti! Miercuri, 7 decembrie 2022, la orele 17.00, in amfiteatrul Ion Heliade Radulescu, al Bibliotecii Academiei Romane, s-a desfasurat festivitatea de lansare a...
Prezentand omagiul si felicitarile sale prof. Askenazy pentru acest moment de satisfactie oferit celor pentru care cunoasterea prin lectura reprezinta o parte din viata, mai ales astazi in epoca...
View ArticlePsihopatiile – posibile cauze ale fenomenului infractional?
In 1960 a aparut “Criminologia” profesorului Jean Pinatel care punea pe baze noi cercetarea delincventului si a etiologiei infractionale, reprezentand, la acel moment, o adevarata revolutie in...
View ArticleNeurocriminologia memoriei
Lucrarea Manual de Neurocriminologie tratează în cele 16 capitole o tematica vasta, explicată interdisciplinar, însoțită de exemple preponderent din SUA și Israel. Am selectat capitolul intitulat...
View ArticleCCJ-News – December 30, 2022
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues, with this latest Regular Issue of my Criminology and Criminal Justice Newsletter in 2022, I am providing you with 2 Invitations to join topical conference in 2023...
View ArticleCCJ-News 1st Regular Issue – January 2023
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues! With this first regular issue for the new year 2023 (along the Gregorian calendar) I am sending you 2 Parts of an invitation to join an international conference...
View ArticleCCJ-News -Regular Issue 2-2023
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues, with this Regular February Issue of my Criminology and Criminal Justice News, I am providing you with information on Conferences, Courses etc. ( 1-8) Calls for...
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